Practitioner’s Statement

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Image By Nick Seery


Kharma Scott is an aspiring Costume and Set Designer, currently completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Technical Production at Queensland University of Technology. She is a collaborative worker who expresses her creative concepts clearly and with clarity to her colleagues.

She has recently taken on the role of Costume Assistant for QUT’s Season of Contemporary American Plays, of which included the productions Good People, Spiked Heels and Rapture, Blister, Burn. Working across the three productions was an insightful experience. Kharma was mentored by both her peers and industry professionals learning costume selection, construction and inventory. She used this opportunity to network with like-minded people.

During September 2018 Kharma Scott participated as a crew member at Caloundra Music Festival. Her work spanned from managing festival attendees to maintaining organisation near the stages. Over the four day event she became inspired to work within festivals and gain deeper experience in this area of production design.


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Kharma has a keen interest in visual arts focusing on spatial art and conceptual drawings. She believes her visual art creativity will flow on to her set and costume designs. In 2018 Kharma has expanded upon her visual art background through completing a unit in Object and Site. Within this class she learned how to properly assess the elements of a space, how to use movement, line form and different mediums to add balance and a sense of tone to an performance or gallery area.


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In addition to the unit in Object and Site Kharma has also branched her educational studies into Production Design.  This course delves into the earliest stages of a production process. The production designers refine ideas and set a base line for the designers later in the process to follow.  Kharma designed mood boards, story boards and thumb nails to express the tone of the piece she was working on.

Prior to her degree at QUT Kharma studied Manufacturing Technology (Fashion Design) at TAFE; Queensland.  Throughout this course she gained skills in both producing and designing costumes and garment.

Over the next few years Kharma hopes to gain industry experience through volunteering at community theatre companies, school productions and festivals while completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Technical Production.


Click here to see Kharma Scott’s Curriculum Vitae